Category: How can anyone understand God?

The Origin of Evil (from the “Deliver Us from Evil” Series)

The Origin of Evil (from the “Deliver Us from Evil” Series)

Audio version of The Origin of Evil message

“Deilver us from the evil one…” (P1)

Audio from Walter’s first message in the new series, “Deliver us from the evil one…”

“Deliver us from the evil one…” (P1)

This line is from the model prayer Jesus gave His disciples (erroneously called the Lord’s

They Hailed Him as King until … they found out who He wasn’t!

Listen to Walter’s Palm Sunday message

“Death, Be Not Proud” (P2) What Happens When We Die?

What happens when we die? audio podcast

“Death, Be Not Proud” (P2) What Happens When We Die?

What Happens When We Die?

“Death Be Not Proud” (P1) Why Do People Die?

This the first part in my new series. Confronting Death to Overcome and Experience Victory.

“Death Be Not Proud” (P1) Why Do People Die?

This the first part in my new series. Confronting Death to Overcome and Experience Victory.

Understanding Biblical Healing (P2) – When the Healing Doesn’t Come

When the Healing Doesn’t Come