Category: Listen Book

Desperate and Admit It = Humble(d) Men

What is a Desperate Man? – The definition may surprise you

No matter your sin, there is help, healing, and hope on the other side of contrition and confession. Thank God!

“Playing the Harlot” – God called out His men for adultery that had nothing to do with sex!

You Da Man! My paraphrase of the prophet Nathan’s strong words to King David

The Devastating Impact of Pornography – Forgiveness begins on the other side of Confession

“When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away” – The Physical Harm of Unconfessed Sin

Hiding Sin from God did not work for Adam nor does it work for us

And now for the rest of us… Jesus, You and Me, and our “Wealth”

One of the Scariest Stories in the Bible for Wealthy Christian Men – The Rich Fool